Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Probiotics: How They Work

I am not an expert, but I've done some research. There are two things that are very important when looking into buying probiotics.

1. Is it DNA Verified? Silver Fern is! This means it has been tested and proven that it is, in fact, a probiotic, not just powdery stuff shoved into a pill....Just kidding. Some claim to be probiotics, but if they are not DNA verified, it is likely it won't be able to thrive by the time it gets to your stomach.

2. What strains of probiotics does it contain? Different probiotics have different amounts of CFU (colony forming units). From what I've read, it's not important how many CFU it contains. It really matters what strains it has.

Bacillous strains will help with food digestion, bloating, metabolism, and stomach acidity. 8 Billion CFU wouldn't matter if it's the wrong strain of probiotic, but that is how many Silver Fern has, and yes! Silver Fern contains three different bacillous strains. These strains can also be called Lactobacillous, in case you see that on a label and aren't sure. As you might have noticed, the prefix Lacto has to do with aiding to digest lactose. If you struggle with this (like Cohen and I do), this could change your life!! It's not claiming to cure lactose intolerance, by any means, but I believe it helps.

For Weight Loss: Another great thing about these probiotics is they can assist in permanent weight loss. I kinda hate the term weight loss because I feel like sooo many people feel inadequate because of their weight. I prefer thinking about how well I'm taking care of my body. Which is why probiotics are so great. They really help you take better care of your body! Silver Fern has a free guide to increasing your ability to lose weight healthily and it starts with the health of your digestive system. It honestly just makes so much sense to me. I'm not in it to lose weight, but I do know I need to kick my sugar addiction, which can definitely be aided by probiotics. If you are looking for a healthier and longer lasting weight loss system, check out their Elevated Plan. Like I said, the information is free and very helpful. Check it out.

I recommend doing some of your own research if you're really curious. Or save some time and just believe me because it's definitely solved our tummy issues over here! Just kidding. There are TONS of opinions, blog posts, articles, etc. about probiotics. Especially when it comes to giving them to your baby. For us, it has been a huge blessing! I will definitely stay on them, especially when pregnant and nursing.

These websites are where I found a lot of my information in case you want to check them out!

Blog post written by Charity Lighten for KSL News

My next post will be discussing why I believe so strongly in taking these supplements and the other products I've tried from Silver Fern.

Is there anything else you would like to know? Any questions I can ask the company for you? If you're interested, you can click here to purchase probiotics from Silver Fern, or browse their website for some of their other fun and interesting products.

Thanks for reading!


  1. We have some tummy troubles around here too (luckily not with baby boy), and I thought they were just caused by my cooking. But after reading this I really think we should give probiotics a try! Does there come a point when your body begins to maintain the good bacteria on its own and you can stop taking them? I just don't know if I can commit to taking (and buying) a pill for the rest of my life.

  2. I hope it helps! And that is a really good question, but I have no idea....what you said makes sense. Maybe once it's repaired we can take care of it by being healthier. I'm gonna look into it more and let you know what I learn. Let me know if you find anything, too!
