Monday, November 14, 2016

Probiotics: Why I Believe in Them

I have been taking probiotics for a month now, along with my little one as recommended by my doctor to help his tummy issues. I have seen that I am less bloated and that I can eat a milkshake without being sick to my stomach the whole night. That alone is enough for me to want to tell everyone about their benefits. In addition, I've seen Cohen's health improve! He no longer has old man farts in the middle of a silent Sunday School class....hasn't had diarrhea at all, and is doing better with digesting yogurt and grains, which he struggled with before.

Silver Fern Brand has this whole "Elevated Plan" thing to promote how probiotics and some of their tips can help you lose weight. When I first read about it, I honestly thought it was just their marketing team's way of getting more people to buy their product. Like yeah, maybe it can help you lose like 2 lbs or something, but I didn't think it was much different from just exercising and eating right, so I didn't give it a second thought.

Well, this morning I went to the gym for the first time in weeks and decided to weigh myself. Last I checked, I had 7 lbs to go before I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I've been trying to go on a few walks a week and I even jogged for 10-20 minutes twice last week, but that's not enough to shave off those last hard-to-lose pounds. On top of that, we ate out THREE TIMES this past weekend. Lots of carbs. Lots of root beer floats. And guess what the scale said?


I couldn't believe it. I was in total shock. I still am. I mean, my jeans have been looser, but I thought they were just stretched out. Anyway, I immediately came home, put the baby down for his nap, and got working on this post. I knew probiotics were good for me, but I didn't realize they were going to help me lose weight! The more I read and learn about them, the more I believe in them. If you're curious how they work, check out my previous post.

I know I sound like an infomercial host saying "It really works!" and "The results are amazing!" But I really do believe our digestive systems are not meant to process artificial sweeteners and chemicals put in our foods today. Once those ruin your gut bacteria, the only way to get it back to normal is by replacing it with the right probiotic supplements. Please let me know if you have any questions that I can address. I'm planning to write my next post on comparing prices and quality of different brands and talking about whether or not you have to stay on probiotics forever.

Thanks for reading!


  1. YAYAYAYA! Get it girl!!! I've been giving probiotics Sawyer and and taking some myself. He still gets significant gas at night, but I think that his digestive system is still Developing. But!! He has gotten eczema on his face and it got pretty bad for about a week. But since I've been taking them and giving them to him it's helped his eczema so much and it's starting to go away!! �� Also so happy you can drink a milkshake or eat sugar with out a tummy ache!! You've had to deal with that for so long!!! And yay for no old man farts in little bud!!

    1. I love you! I'm so glad his eczema is clearing up, that's amazing! I agree about his little tummy still developing. But thank goodness his momma is takin care of that belly! And seriously, the dairy thing is like hallelujah!
