Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Fourteen Ways to Enjoy Running

For me, the hardest thing about running is that I don't have the aerobic stamina to run for very long since I haven't been consistent with running for over a year. I decided to remind myself of all the ways to get motivated to run. So I asked my sisters and mom for their tips, too! My mom would take us jogging when we were kids and has always been a runner, my oldest sister ran cross country and has run several half marathons and a marathon, and my other sister and I have run a half marathon together. It is my favorite way to stay fit. I feel like it trims you down instead of bulking up your muscles, which is what I'm looking for! Here are our thoughts:

1. Intervals. Try jogging for two blocks, walking for one, and repeat. Especially if you're just getting back into running, deciding on some intervals to run can make it more interesting and will help your lungs get a workout, so you can build your endurance.

2. Book on tape. What do you call this now-a-days? Oh right, an audio book. "Listen to music or an audiobook, or a podcast. Conference talks and scriptures work, too." - Sarah
This will help pass the time and distract you from your huffin' and puffin'. I currently push a stroller while jogging, so I feel paranoid about having headphones in. You can always listen without headphones, I guess!

3. Treat yo' self. Head over to Ross and pick out a new pair of cute leggings. Or shorts (for all you ladies who aren't victims of chaffing). Or maybe a tank! I always find cute and cheap workout clothes at Ross or TJ Maxx, but my favorites are from  Old Navy. I know they aren't fun, but they are super comfy and don't fall off with every step I take like some of the low riders do. "Choose fun clothes or shoes you ONLY wear when you run." - Sarah

4. Get fitted for shoes. "Have good running shoes that are comfy." - Cory
In Texas we would go to Run-Tex (which I've heard is out of business, anyone know?) with our mom to get fitted for running shoes. There was no extra charge and I always LOVED the shoes I got there. Usually Asics. In Utah I've gone to 26.2 Running Store and loved the shoes I got there. Everyone's feet are so different and we all have different strides, gaits, etc., so it just makes sense to find the best shoe for your comfort, not just the cutest or cheapest.

5. Calculate calories burned. Use a Fitbit or the MyFitnessPal app to see how many calories you burned. It's awesome! Whether you burned 50 or 250, it's so gratifying to know that you were workin' your butt off!

6. Keep with it! "Running is fun once you can run long distances without dying." - Cory
So true! I remember the first time I ran 10 miles. By miles six I forgot I was running and my body just kept going.

7. Pick a destination. "Run to bridal veil falls, run to a farmers market, run to your friend's house, run to get a sno cone." - Cory

8. Keep it interesting. "Try new routes where you get to see neat stuff alonf the way. Run to the Riverwoods, run to a pretty view, run to the park, etc.!" - Cory
"Run a route where you can look at something pretty. Pretty houses, a park, etc." - Sarah

9. Write. "Write down how you feel immediately after as motivation for next time." - Sarah

10. Keep track. "Time yourself and have times/distances you want to beat." - Cory
"Track your progress. Write it down or get an app." - Sarah

11. Running buddy. Find someone who has a similar pace as you so neither one of you gets bored or feels like you can't keep up. "I found running with my dogs was very motivating and fun for me." - Paula
If you knew our dogs, here is a story about Finley, who only had three legs, but could run faster than any of the other dogs if you left the gate open too long. "By the end of the run Finley would dragging quite a bit. One time he was dragging so much the collar came off over his head and he just laid down in the street and watched me run off." - Paula
HAHAHAH I love him and miss him!

12. Take it easy. The worst thing you can do is push too hard and burn yourself out. "What motivated me is to pick a distance and not worry about how fast or how much I walk or run when getting back into it. I give myself a lot of permission to take it easy just knowing it is good to get my body to go a certain distance." - Paula

13. Show love. "Dedicate a mile (or a block, or a minute) or running to someone you love. Think positively about them, pray for them." - Sarah

14. Have a clear mind. "I am most motivated when I have certain basic necessities in life in order: prayer, scripture reading, hydrating, eating right, thinking of people as God's children, and striving to have a forgiving and humble heart. For some reason, having these things at the forefront of my actions and mind help me be organized and motivated to run." - Paula

I love these last two! They are both things I've never thought of.

What motivates you to run, exercise, or just stay healthy? If you give some of these a try, let me know how it goes.

Thanks for reading!

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