I am not an expert, but I've done some research. There are two things that are very important when looking into buying probiotics.
1. Is it DNA Verified? Silver Fern is! This means it has been tested and proven that it is, in fact, a probiotic, not just powdery stuff shoved into a pill....Just kidding. Some claim to be probiotics, but if they are not DNA verified, it is likely it won't be able to thrive by the time it gets to your stomach.
2. What strains of probiotics does it contain? Different probiotics have different amounts of CFU (colony forming units). From what I've read, it's not important how many CFU it contains. It really matters what strains it has.
Bacillous strains will help with food digestion, bloating, metabolism, and stomach acidity. 8 Billion CFU wouldn't matter if it's the wrong strain of probiotic, but that is how many Silver Fern has, and yes! Silver Fern contains three different bacillous strains. These strains can also be called Lactobacillous, in case you see that on a label and aren't sure. As you might have noticed, the prefix Lacto has to do with aiding to digest lactose. If you struggle with this (like Cohen and I do), this could change your life!! It's not claiming to cure lactose intolerance, by any means, but I believe it helps.
For Weight Loss: Another great thing about these probiotics is they can assist in permanent weight loss. I kinda hate the term weight loss because I feel like sooo many people feel inadequate because of their weight. I prefer thinking about how well I'm taking care of my body. Which is why probiotics are so great. They really help you take better care of your body! Silver Fern has a free guide to increasing your ability to lose weight healthily and it starts with the health of your digestive system. It honestly just makes so much sense to me. I'm not in it to lose weight, but I do know I need to kick my sugar addiction, which can definitely be aided by probiotics. If you are looking for a healthier and longer lasting weight loss system, check out their Elevated Plan. Like I said, the information is free and very helpful. Check it out.
I recommend doing some of your own research if you're really curious. Or save some time and just believe me because it's definitely solved our tummy issues over here! Just kidding. There are TONS of opinions, blog posts, articles, etc. about probiotics. Especially when it comes to giving them to your baby. For us, it has been a huge blessing! I will definitely stay on them, especially when pregnant and nursing.
These websites are where I found a lot of my information in case you want to check them out!
Blog post written by Charity Lighten for KSL News
My next post will be discussing why I believe so strongly in taking these supplements and the other products I've tried from Silver Fern.
Is there anything else you would like to know? Any questions I can ask the company for you? If you're interested, you can click here to purchase probiotics from Silver Fern, or browse their website for some of their other fun and interesting products.
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
"Tummy Issues": The Back Story
Read the TMI version below. To skip ahead to the info, start reading where you see the arrow --->
Anyone familiar with the scene in 17 Again when the son keeps burping mid sentence and Zac Efron gives him a grossed out face, so the boy says, "What? I have tummy issues." I, too, have these "issues."
In the last 10 months since Cohen was born I have been sick to my stomach more times than I ever was before he was born. I have a suspicion that it has something to do with my diet of gummy worms, candy corn, and Little Debbies. When it came time to sustain the life of another human, I think my body was like, "Hellooooo, get your act together!" I started eating healthier and that helped keep me....out of the bathroom, BUT I still wasn't feeling 100%. And I thought my baby had similar tummy issues since he was born. Grumbly tummy, big man toots, and a recent span of diarrhea that lasted over a month.
--->When I told my doctor about Cohen's sick tummy, she asked if I had fed him yogurt for the probiotics. Yes, I had fed him yogurt a few times, but that's what seemed to start making him even more sick! She recommended I get him on some probiotic capsules that I can open up and mix into his baby food. She said to get the whole family on them to feel healthier!
That same day, not even two hours later, I got a text from a friend. It read, "Hey Anna! It's me your old pal. Listen, I know that you just started your blog, but I wanted to let you know about a potential business opportunity.... So, one of our clients is looking for people to use their products and talk about it on their blogs. It's a probiotic company that's all about gut health. So they would send you the product for free, and you would just write about your experience.... Just thought I'd let you know if you might be interested."
My response? "I am so interested!" It was like an answer to a prayer that I hadn't even prayed yet! I agreed to write about my experience here a few times and I really do want to provide good info for those out there looking for help. So that's the back story!
I can definitely confirm that this product has SOLVED our tummy issues. The product, by the way, is Silver Fern Probiotics. (I am taking the Ultimate Probiotic Supplement) I was told it may take up to a month, but I started seeing a change after the first week. Cohen no longer has diarrhea!! I have not been sick to my tummy once since we started about three weeks ago and I am definitely less bloated.
Next I'll be writing about how probiotics work, so let me know if you have any specific questions. If you've taken them before or are taking them now, let me know the brand so I can do some research on it! You should know, I am not being paid to write this. My opinions are honest. They are sending me the product free of charge and asking me to "write about my experience," so that's what I will do.
Thanks for reading!
Anyone familiar with the scene in 17 Again when the son keeps burping mid sentence and Zac Efron gives him a grossed out face, so the boy says, "What? I have tummy issues." I, too, have these "issues."
In the last 10 months since Cohen was born I have been sick to my stomach more times than I ever was before he was born. I have a suspicion that it has something to do with my diet of gummy worms, candy corn, and Little Debbies. When it came time to sustain the life of another human, I think my body was like, "Hellooooo, get your act together!" I started eating healthier and that helped keep me....out of the bathroom, BUT I still wasn't feeling 100%. And I thought my baby had similar tummy issues since he was born. Grumbly tummy, big man toots, and a recent span of diarrhea that lasted over a month.
--->When I told my doctor about Cohen's sick tummy, she asked if I had fed him yogurt for the probiotics. Yes, I had fed him yogurt a few times, but that's what seemed to start making him even more sick! She recommended I get him on some probiotic capsules that I can open up and mix into his baby food. She said to get the whole family on them to feel healthier!
That same day, not even two hours later, I got a text from a friend. It read, "Hey Anna! It's me your old pal. Listen, I know that you just started your blog, but I wanted to let you know about a potential business opportunity.... So, one of our clients is looking for people to use their products and talk about it on their blogs. It's a probiotic company that's all about gut health. So they would send you the product for free, and you would just write about your experience.... Just thought I'd let you know if you might be interested."
My response? "I am so interested!" It was like an answer to a prayer that I hadn't even prayed yet! I agreed to write about my experience here a few times and I really do want to provide good info for those out there looking for help. So that's the back story!
I can definitely confirm that this product has SOLVED our tummy issues. The product, by the way, is Silver Fern Probiotics. (I am taking the Ultimate Probiotic Supplement) I was told it may take up to a month, but I started seeing a change after the first week. Cohen no longer has diarrhea!! I have not been sick to my tummy once since we started about three weeks ago and I am definitely less bloated.
Next I'll be writing about how probiotics work, so let me know if you have any specific questions. If you've taken them before or are taking them now, let me know the brand so I can do some research on it! You should know, I am not being paid to write this. My opinions are honest. They are sending me the product free of charge and asking me to "write about my experience," so that's what I will do.
Thanks for reading!
Friday, October 21, 2016
Six Reasons to Start a Blog
1. Become a better wife and mother. I've been a wife for a short two years and 4 months. I've been a mom for an even shorter 10 months! I feel like I've only barely dipped my toes into figuring out these two roles. Thank goodness I'm only 25 and have the rest of my life to learn! That being said, I feel a strong desire to be better. I'm guilty of being snippy, impatient, and lazy, but I'm also a hard worker who likes seeing myself progress! So my plan is to applaud my improvements, acknowledge my failures, but not dwell on the negative! I hope to do some of that here :)
2. Mommy time. Y'all know what I'm talkin' about. I enjoy it! I loved my previous job, but one of the best parts (besides seeing students grow) was the administrative side and staying organized. I loved it! I loved having a deadline and working hard to make great things happen. Weird because I was the biggest procrastinator EVER in college. Anyway, this blog makes me feel like I'm back to where I was a little. Staying organized and on schedule, writing down ideas and putting them into action!
3. Find your passion. I've never had a "passion." And I think that's okay! I feel like I'm surrounded by people who are passionate about dance, rock climbing, sewing, etc! Even my husband has said, "If I could wake up and water ski every morning, that would be ideal." He loves water skiing and basketball. I love......candy? Pretty sure that doesn't count. Anyway, part of the purpose of this blog is to find things I am passionate about. Or maybe just some new hobbies! That's always my least favorite question at get-to-know-you events. What are your hobbies???? Ummm I went running once and it was nice....
Pinterest is full of quotes that will make you feel guilty for not having a passion in life. But guess what? There are too many amazing things out there for me to just pick one! So there.
4. Be more candid. So why, specifically, did I need to start a BLOG? Why not share more thoughts on FB, twitter, etc.? Heck, why not start posting daily vlogs and what not? Ok, let's not kid ourselves. This reason is important to me. I have like a gazillion FB friends. Posting opinions and thoughts out there is a little intimidating. Sure anyone in the world can read my blog, but they are choosing to read it instead of having it show up unwelcomed on their news feed. Also, there are a lot of "haters" out there and it seems like the blogging world has a pretty loving atmosphere. I hope I can contribute to that!
5. Push myself. Crafts, projects, cleaning, whatever I'm doing, I want to push myself! Not too hard, let's not get crazy. I can't wait to see how this blog changes over time. I recently read this post from a blogger I follow and thought WOW! She has really changed, in a great way! I'm curious to see what I can make happen through this new outlet. Speaking of, I totally got a gig to review products and share my thoughts on here! It should be up in a few days and I'm pretty excited about it. I'm hoping it helps someone out there, so keep your eye out!
6. Spread joy of life. Ever catch yourself driving along and thinking amazing thoughts that you want to share with everyone?! Usually they sound silly coming out of my mouth, just ask Jake. BUT! I am excited to have a place to share those things without feeling too judged or silly. This is MY place and I can say what I want! I love that. Sometimes the smallest things make me happy and I'm excited to share them with you and hear what makes you happy, too!
Do you have a blog I don't know about? Let me know! What inspired you to start a blog?
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Update: Miracle Gel Top Coat
I'm gonna make this short and sweet. Do I still love this top coat? YES! Is it perfect? No :(
If you didn't read my first post, you can do that here!
It started doing what I call micro cracking. TINY little cracks along the edge of the nail started showing up, but I don't think any human but me really noticed. Here is a pic to prove it. I wore this polish for 10 days, people, and it still looked pretty good to me.
Next I tried it with a dark nail color and did two top coats. I even painted the top coat along the edge of my nail to try and prevent chipping even more. Not even three days later I got a big old chip on my left index nail. Wah wah. I did take a shower and go swimming during those three days, but still. I thought my results would be even better than before! Anyway, here is a pic of what my nails look like today. Color is Recessionista by Essie (dark cranberry, plum, purpley, maroony, wine color.....) I couldn't find it, so I linked to Bahama Mama by Essie which is a tad lighter (I think I like it better). Top coat is the good old Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Top Coat.
I'm a little bummed out now. I'm trying to nail down the perfect formula of polish to top coat and a good drying method to get the longest lasting nail color I can without going to a nail salon. Any tips and tricks? What do you put on your nails to make them last forever?
If you didn't read my first post, you can do that here!
It started doing what I call micro cracking. TINY little cracks along the edge of the nail started showing up, but I don't think any human but me really noticed. Here is a pic to prove it. I wore this polish for 10 days, people, and it still looked pretty good to me.
Next I tried it with a dark nail color and did two top coats. I even painted the top coat along the edge of my nail to try and prevent chipping even more. Not even three days later I got a big old chip on my left index nail. Wah wah. I did take a shower and go swimming during those three days, but still. I thought my results would be even better than before! Anyway, here is a pic of what my nails look like today. Color is Recessionista by Essie (dark cranberry, plum, purpley, maroony, wine color.....) I couldn't find it, so I linked to Bahama Mama by Essie which is a tad lighter (I think I like it better). Top coat is the good old Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Top Coat.
I'm a little bummed out now. I'm trying to nail down the perfect formula of polish to top coat and a good drying method to get the longest lasting nail color I can without going to a nail salon. Any tips and tricks? What do you put on your nails to make them last forever?
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Mommin' on a Budget: Haircuts
Fun fact: I cut my husband's hair. Growing up, my mom always cut my hair. She also cut the hair of a few boys from church every once in a while. She made it seem so easy! The first time I ever cut hair, it was on Jake. We were dating at the time and I have no idea why he trusted me. I didn't even look up any videos on youtube or ask for any advice! I just went for it and figured it out along the way. I am by no means a hair stylist/barber. AT ALL. Professional training? None. BUT.....I save our family $15+ per month. That's $180 a year, people! For us, that's one and a half trips to Costco. My point is, ladies, if your man isn't too picky (Jake likes to look good, but is definitely low maintenance) then why not give it a shot?!
Here's how I got started. We bought a clipper set with all the guards and a pair of scissors for about $30 from TJ Maxx. It's pretty low quality, though, so I've linked a few higher quality clipper sets here and here.
I suggest watching a few tutorials on youtube for what you're trying to do. Does he want a buzz? Fade? Cut with scissors or clippers? If you're lucky, he doesn't know what he wants and you can just give him a generic cut. Jake likes a 3 on the sides up to where his head curves, a 7 on top, and then I wet it and blend the two sections together all the way around. Last, I trim around the ears and neckline without a guard.
This video does a great job of explaining lots of little things if you've never cut hair before. It also helps if the hair has some texture or wave to it to hide your mistakes :) And like they always say, "The difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut.....is a week." Good luck! Let me know if you give this a try and how it went for you! Just think of the thousands of dollars you can save over the years! Here are a few pics of Jake's hair when I've cut it.
Here's how I got started. We bought a clipper set with all the guards and a pair of scissors for about $30 from TJ Maxx. It's pretty low quality, though, so I've linked a few higher quality clipper sets here and here.
I suggest watching a few tutorials on youtube for what you're trying to do. Does he want a buzz? Fade? Cut with scissors or clippers? If you're lucky, he doesn't know what he wants and you can just give him a generic cut. Jake likes a 3 on the sides up to where his head curves, a 7 on top, and then I wet it and blend the two sections together all the way around. Last, I trim around the ears and neckline without a guard.
This video does a great job of explaining lots of little things if you've never cut hair before. It also helps if the hair has some texture or wave to it to hide your mistakes :) And like they always say, "The difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut.....is a week." Good luck! Let me know if you give this a try and how it went for you! Just think of the thousands of dollars you can save over the years! Here are a few pics of Jake's hair when I've cut it.
Don't mind my over excited face! |
Nice and short, like I like. (Jake prefers longer) |
Sunday, October 9, 2016
5 Tools to Stay Motivated
The funny thing is, I sat here staring at the computer screen for longer than I'm willing to admit. Sometimes puking up all my thoughts at once is the only way to get any out, so here goes! After having a baby and going straight back to work, I felt like I didn't even have time to find motivation. I was just running from here to there and hoping I was getting everything done fast enough! Once the school year ended and I was home with Cohen more, I hit a serious lull in my motivation. Getting out of bed was such a pain. Getting dressed for the day was a chore. Sometimes I found it fun to get done up and go explore the new city we were in for the summer, but having a little one to keep happy during that began to overwhelm me. I don't think I ever had post-partum depression, but I had post-partum something, I just couldn't figure it out. I'll talk more about my mental health journey before and after baby some other day, but it's important to figure out where you are when it comes to being motivated and how you feel about that. If you are content to sit on the couch longer one day than the day before, that's fine! I find strength in being self aware and knowing how to get myself going when I'm feeling a little bluer than normal. These 5 things work for me, but I can guarantee they won't all work for you. I'm curious to hear what helps you stay motivated, so let me know!
1. Seeing progress. I like being able to notice a change in myself. Set a goal to do one difficult thing today. Maybe you're just going to tell yourself to do something simple like take the trash out because you avoided it all day yesterday. That way, when you get that done and realize how easy it was, the train of motivation will just keep on chuggin!
2. Give yourself some credit. I've gotten in the habit of saying to myself, "This is so hard, but I'm doing it!" When my little one is screaming for no reason, punching me in the boob, and ripping my baby hairs out all at the same time, it's difficult to stay calm and rational. Once the tantrum is over I like to sit back and be impressed with how awesomely I just handled a nightmare-ish situation. Pat yourself on the freakin back. You are the only person who knows how much crap you put up with, so don't minimize it. Be proud of yourself!
3. Herbal Tea. You read right. This one is specific for getting me up out of bed in the morning. My house gets nice and dry in the fall/winter months when the heat is running more often and I tend to wake up with a super dry throat and mouth. Knowing that I can quickly heat up some water for a yummy herbal tea in the morning is very helpful when all I want to do is stay in bed all day. Especially when little boy is head butting me while still half asleep. Add some honey and we're in business! Maybe, for you, it's heating up some bacon in the micro real quick or eating your favorite sugary cereal.
4. Root Beer Float. This one is obviously customizable, too. Whatever is a treat for you works. We had some friends over a few weeks back for rootbeer floats and they mentioned they are trying to eat healthy, so we changed the soda and ice cream out for homemade jam on whole wheat toast and bananas topped with peanut butter. Yum! Knowing that if I can get through a particularly rough day I can reward myself with a yummy treat is super helpful.
5. Spread the love. Another thing I've started to do everyday to help me feel motivated is listening to a talk from General Conference every morning and choosing a quote or short section to share with my friends on Facebook. Not only do I like feeling uplifted at the beginning of my day, but I've also enjoyed seeing my friends' reactions to what I've posted. Along with this, making people laugh and serving others helps me feel motivated to continue to be kind and happy. Our neighbor across the street takes care of her elderly husband and doesn't get to leave her house much, so when I take my baby for a walk we often stop by to say hello and hopefully brighten her day. My baby is another source of joy. Working to find ways to make him giggle are one of the happiest things I've ever experienced. Next time you see a baby, get them to laugh and you'll understand what I mean.
What helps you stay motivated? Mine are pretty specific to my life, but I think they can be applied in most circumstances. Let me know what you think and share your thoughts on what motivates you!
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Honking: What it's really for and what it really means
Nobody likes getting honked at. But why? Imagine you're peacefully driving down the road and somebody honks at you and speeds off. Usually, you either get all huffy and mad or you're confused and startled. This happened to me just two days ago and I was kinda shocked how I reacted. Instead of being upset, I stayed pretty calm. I thought about why they were trying to get my attention, but didn't notice anything nearby. I concluded that they must have been upset that I was going under the speed limit (whoops). Also, weird, because I never do that.
Why did I react this way? I believe it's because I really understand why cars have horns and what it should mean when you hear one! Four years ago I visited Taiwan with a group of students and stayed with a host family there. For a week I did everything with this family. I even drove to and from work with the father. I noticed I would jump every time a horn honked, which was a lot. The father noticed this and we ended up talking all about how they use the horn over in Taiwan. He told me it was just to warn other drivers. Once I even saw a man honking repeatedly as he drove down a one way street. My host dad told me he was warning cars at the upcoming intersection that he was coming because the road was so narrow and it was hard to see oncoming traffic if you were trying to make a turn.
Maybe this doesn't seem all too amazing to you, but I remember thinking, "Americans are so stupid! And angry!" To me, honking your horn is what you do when you are angry or annoyed, not when you're trying to keep others safe. Yes, sometimes we give a little beep to let you know the light turned green, but even that bothers some people because we are so used to honking being a sign of impatience or irritation.
I reeeeally wish we all gained an understanding of this concept all at the same time so we could stop angry honking and start helpful honking. The problem is, we have been conditioned to react to honking a certain way as well only honking when we're mad. Let's change that! Maybe you can start accompanying your helpful honk with a happy wave!
I found this lovely definition of a vehicle horn and it was very helpful: The vehicle operator uses the horn to warn others of the vehicle's approach or presence, or to call attention to some hazard.
It's there to keep us safe! What do you think about my horn honking philosophy?
Side note: Sometimes I have strong opinions that I want the whole world to not only hear, but agree with and act on......since that's not realistic, I think I will just share them here, with you. I thought about coming up with an acronym for these posts. Maybe, Anna's Strong Opinion or A.S.O. Definitely not Anna's Strong Suggestion....Or maybe just IMO or IMHO since most people know that one already. What do you think?
Why did I react this way? I believe it's because I really understand why cars have horns and what it should mean when you hear one! Four years ago I visited Taiwan with a group of students and stayed with a host family there. For a week I did everything with this family. I even drove to and from work with the father. I noticed I would jump every time a horn honked, which was a lot. The father noticed this and we ended up talking all about how they use the horn over in Taiwan. He told me it was just to warn other drivers. Once I even saw a man honking repeatedly as he drove down a one way street. My host dad told me he was warning cars at the upcoming intersection that he was coming because the road was so narrow and it was hard to see oncoming traffic if you were trying to make a turn.
Maybe this doesn't seem all too amazing to you, but I remember thinking, "Americans are so stupid! And angry!" To me, honking your horn is what you do when you are angry or annoyed, not when you're trying to keep others safe. Yes, sometimes we give a little beep to let you know the light turned green, but even that bothers some people because we are so used to honking being a sign of impatience or irritation.
I reeeeally wish we all gained an understanding of this concept all at the same time so we could stop angry honking and start helpful honking. The problem is, we have been conditioned to react to honking a certain way as well only honking when we're mad. Let's change that! Maybe you can start accompanying your helpful honk with a happy wave!
I found this lovely definition of a vehicle horn and it was very helpful: The vehicle operator uses the horn to warn others of the vehicle's approach or presence, or to call attention to some hazard.
It's there to keep us safe! What do you think about my horn honking philosophy?
Side note: Sometimes I have strong opinions that I want the whole world to not only hear, but agree with and act on......since that's not realistic, I think I will just share them here, with you. I thought about coming up with an acronym for these posts. Maybe, Anna's Strong Opinion or A.S.O. Definitely not Anna's Strong Suggestion....Or maybe just IMO or IMHO since most people know that one already. What do you think?
Friday, October 7, 2016
How to: Never clean your whole house
Ok, the title is a little misleading. What I really mean is "How to always have a clean house." And the answer is: clean for only 5-15 minutes alllmost every day. There are all sorts of pins on Pinterest about how often you should clean different things in your house. For example:

Source: Pinterest from Sophie Uliano
After getting frustrated that my cleaning habits were very inconsistent and unorganized, I discovered these lists of how often to clean and decided to put them into a monthly schedule that I can follow every day. When baby boy goes down for his morning nap, the FIRST thing I do is my daily chore. If I decide to have a snack or watch TV first, it basically doesn't get done. Especially when the boy decides to only sleep for 30 minutes like today. Thankfully, I had already done my daily chore (wipe down bathroom surfaces) and had even started chipping away at the pile of dishes in the sink. *pats back*
A few things you should know:
1. My calendar of daily chores does NOT include doing the dishes or the laundry since those are both constant in my house.
2. I tailored this calendar to MY house, which is actually a basement apartment. There's no lawn mowing, patio sweeping, coffee maker cleaning, etc.
3. I decided to make mine way more laid back than the picture above. I don't really consider myself an over achiever in the cleaning category.
4. I am horrible at creating graphics, so I hope the pastel colors don't blind you :)
5. The different colored days signify how often the chore should be done. Once the six months are up, just start over with month one!
There you have it. What do you think? If you make your own, make sure you show me!
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Mommin' on a Budget: Manicures
I would like to introduce my first series; Mommin' on a budget. This week I'm covering manicures.
Wouldn't you love to have perfectly manicured nails, year round? Well it costs around $15 every time you get a manicure (and that's not even the gel, shellac, or acrylic manicures, which can be closer to $30) and I'm assuming you'll have to get them re-done every two weeks to keep them looking perfect. But let's just say you get a plain old manicure once a month. In a year you would be spending $180. If you wanted gel nails, $240. And acrylics, over $300! That's only once a month, people. So for two weeks out of the month, your nails will still be looking janky. In my opinion....not worth it! $300? That's like a month's worth of groceries for a small family. That's 30 pairs of Forever 21 jeans. That's like getting a hefty serving of frozen yogurt every week for a year!
No, no, no. Not this momma. I can't afford that ish. Not to mention everything you'll get caked under those fake nails....diaper cream is the worst. So, I recently discovered a solution and maybe I'm late to the game, but this game just changed big time for me. Follow my linky link to Amazon if you wanna support this momma's manicure fund ;)
Wouldn't you love to have perfectly manicured nails, year round? Well it costs around $15 every time you get a manicure (and that's not even the gel, shellac, or acrylic manicures, which can be closer to $30) and I'm assuming you'll have to get them re-done every two weeks to keep them looking perfect. But let's just say you get a plain old manicure once a month. In a year you would be spending $180. If you wanted gel nails, $240. And acrylics, over $300! That's only once a month, people. So for two weeks out of the month, your nails will still be looking janky. In my opinion....not worth it! $300? That's like a month's worth of groceries for a small family. That's 30 pairs of Forever 21 jeans. That's like getting a hefty serving of frozen yogurt every week for a year!
No, no, no. Not this momma. I can't afford that ish. Not to mention everything you'll get caked under those fake nails....diaper cream is the worst. So, I recently discovered a solution and maybe I'm late to the game, but this game just changed big time for me. Follow my linky link to Amazon if you wanna support this momma's manicure fund ;)
Now, you can buy this in a set with an accompanying color that claims to work better with the top coat, but let me save you the time and trouble; it's not worth it. Go ahead and use one of the millions of nail polishes you're already hoarding in your bathroom cabinet in that dingy old make up bag from 9th grade. Or, in my case, the half ripped ziploc bag shoved to the back of the shelf so it doesn't fall in the toilet when you open the cupboard door....what?
So there you have it! I painted my nails with this four days ago and have not had a SINGLE chip. I live in Utah, yall. The driest desert of all. Normally, my nails chip on day 1.5. I'm real pumped, which is why I had to share. Also, this bad boy is more expensive on Walgreens.com. $8.99 and that's with a $1 off coupon, so......you're welcome. Holler at your girl if you try it out and love it as much as I do!
Here's my proof!
Wet N Wild Megalast Nail Polish in Sugar Coat.
Only two coats (shoulda, woulda, coulda done three) and one top coat. Way shinier in person! Keep your eye out for an update post in a bout a week!
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
The Lord Looketh on the Heart
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The past two weekends we had the opportunity to hear from the leaders of our church, including the prophet and apostles, in what we call General Conference. It is held every 6 months and never fails to uplift my soul and rejuvenate my spirit! I've decided to make a goal to listen to one conference talk everyday. I was further challenged by a friend on Facebook to share a thought from each talk you read on social media everyday, so I'm working on that over on my facebook page, too.
Today's talk was from the General Women's Session and was entitled The Master Healer by Carole M. Stephens. I just want to list a few things that really stuck out to me.
1. The world needs women who have a "bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ." When first hearing this, I felt overwhelmed and inadequate. She goes on to explain that instead of turning to the world for help, when we turn to the Savior and "press forward with a steadfastness in Christ" our understanding of His doctrine can freely and continually grow!
2. The Lord knows our sins, but "looketh on the heart" instead. He sees us for our infinite potential and because he has suffered for our sins, He can help us overcome ALL sin. Likewise, I should be trying to see others for their infinite potential, too!
3. Perceived differences. I just love her choice of words here. "....regardless of perceived differences, all of us are in need of the same infinite Atonement." She is actually quoting Elder Dale G. Renlund's April 2015 talk, Latter-day Saints Keep on Trying. To me, this shows that we need to stop seeing each other as so different! Stop judging, stop assuming. See others through the eyes of Christ and your love for everyone around you will increase.
4. The last point I want to touch on covers the trial of bipolar disorder. Whether you experience that same disorder or some other mental condition, anxiety, depression, etc., the Atonement is there for us! Sister Stephens tells the story of a girl deep in mental anguish with a mother who wishes she could take away her pain. In that moment, a miracle happens and the girl manages the words, "You don't have to; somebody already has." How true that is!I am grateful for a Savior that can not only take away pain and sin, but can lift me to peace and mental health. It is no simple task, but leaning on your Savior can help.
There are so many other amazing gems of knowledge and truth in this talk that I didn't even touch on. Give it a read and see what you can discover!
Today's talk was from the General Women's Session and was entitled The Master Healer by Carole M. Stephens. I just want to list a few things that really stuck out to me.
1. The world needs women who have a "bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ." When first hearing this, I felt overwhelmed and inadequate. She goes on to explain that instead of turning to the world for help, when we turn to the Savior and "press forward with a steadfastness in Christ" our understanding of His doctrine can freely and continually grow!
2. The Lord knows our sins, but "looketh on the heart" instead. He sees us for our infinite potential and because he has suffered for our sins, He can help us overcome ALL sin. Likewise, I should be trying to see others for their infinite potential, too!
3. Perceived differences. I just love her choice of words here. "....regardless of perceived differences, all of us are in need of the same infinite Atonement." She is actually quoting Elder Dale G. Renlund's April 2015 talk, Latter-day Saints Keep on Trying. To me, this shows that we need to stop seeing each other as so different! Stop judging, stop assuming. See others through the eyes of Christ and your love for everyone around you will increase.
4. The last point I want to touch on covers the trial of bipolar disorder. Whether you experience that same disorder or some other mental condition, anxiety, depression, etc., the Atonement is there for us! Sister Stephens tells the story of a girl deep in mental anguish with a mother who wishes she could take away her pain. In that moment, a miracle happens and the girl manages the words, "You don't have to; somebody already has." How true that is!I am grateful for a Savior that can not only take away pain and sin, but can lift me to peace and mental health. It is no simple task, but leaning on your Savior can help.
There are so many other amazing gems of knowledge and truth in this talk that I didn't even touch on. Give it a read and see what you can discover!
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
My Second Blog
I have a million thoughts running through my head about what I want to say in this first post on my new blog. I'll try to organize them into a list, but we'll see how well that goes....
1. I want to share what I'm learning as a new mom, a wife, and a disciple of Christ.
2. I don't want this to be a journal for our family, like my other blog.
3. I want to have fun, be creative, and push myself to try new things!
4. I want to become more organized with my home, my time, my fridge....my LIFE.
5. I want to learn from YOU! Everyone out there who can help me be a better mom, wife, and daughter of God.
6. I want to live a simpler life. To me, that means spend more time with family being happy and less time worrying about how I look, trying to control things I can't, and stressing!
7. I want to become a pro at mommin' on a budget. And I want your help!
Ok. That went pretty well. So where should I begin? Mommyhood, anxiety, exercise, DIY projects for baby? There's just so much to talk about. I'll get back to you real soon with my first REAL post. For now, feel free to look at cute pictures of my family's journal blog.
1. I want to share what I'm learning as a new mom, a wife, and a disciple of Christ.
2. I don't want this to be a journal for our family, like my other blog.
3. I want to have fun, be creative, and push myself to try new things!
4. I want to become more organized with my home, my time, my fridge....my LIFE.
5. I want to learn from YOU! Everyone out there who can help me be a better mom, wife, and daughter of God.
6. I want to live a simpler life. To me, that means spend more time with family being happy and less time worrying about how I look, trying to control things I can't, and stressing!
7. I want to become a pro at mommin' on a budget. And I want your help!
Ok. That went pretty well. So where should I begin? Mommyhood, anxiety, exercise, DIY projects for baby? There's just so much to talk about. I'll get back to you real soon with my first REAL post. For now, feel free to look at cute pictures of my family's journal blog.
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