Friday, October 7, 2016

How to: Never clean your whole house

Ok, the title is a little misleading. What I really mean is "How to always have a clean house." And the answer is: clean for only 5-15 minutes alllmost every day. There are all sorts of pins on Pinterest about how often you should clean different things in your house. For example:

Source: Pinterest from Sophie Uliano 

After getting frustrated that my cleaning habits were very inconsistent and unorganized, I discovered these lists of how often to clean and decided to put them into a monthly schedule that I can follow every day. When baby boy goes down for his morning nap, the FIRST thing I do is my daily chore. If I decide to have a snack or watch TV first, it basically doesn't get done. Especially when the boy decides to only sleep for 30 minutes like today. Thankfully, I had already done my daily chore (wipe down bathroom surfaces) and had even started chipping away at the pile of dishes in the sink. *pats back*

A few things you should know:
1. My calendar of daily chores does NOT include doing the dishes or the laundry since those are both constant in my house.
2. I tailored this calendar to MY house, which is actually a basement apartment. There's no lawn mowing, patio sweeping, coffee maker cleaning, etc.
3. I decided to make mine way more laid back than the picture above. I don't really consider myself an over achiever in the cleaning category.
4. I am horrible at creating graphics, so I hope the pastel colors don't blind you :)
5. The different colored days signify how often the chore should be done. Once the six months are up, just start over with month one!

There you have it. What do you think? If you make your own, make sure you show me!


  1. Have you heard of She starts off with 31 baby steps which gradually turned into routines for every day slash week slash month. Similar to what you have here. I've tried several times, but I never stick to any cleaning routine.

    1. I have not heard of her, but I just checked her out real quick. She has tons of tips of keeping clutter away. I love that! I feel like I never have time to clean, so I'm really committed to this schedule so I don't get overwhelmed with how many chores need to be done, nadamean?

  2. I had a spreadsheet like this before Emmy was born. I was super good at keeping up with housework! Might I suggest that as Cohen gets older, because he is way too small forchores now, you let him help you with the chores everyday. Not only does this give you more "mommy time" while he sleeps, but it will be a good habit for him too. It may take longer and be more difficult at first but use the help while he still thinks chores are fun!

    1. I love this idea! I realize mine is super specific and probably only works best for a SAHM with a 9 month old, but I love the idea of adapting it as Cohen becomes more capable of helping and more babies come. Thanks!

  3. I have been thinking about this for a couple of weeks, so it's uncanny how you wrote this right at this exact time... Hmm.... It's like we're both 25-year-old, stay-at-home moms with 8-9 month old babies and want to keep our houses clean. You've inspired me. I'm going to do this. But I'm going to make Nathanael help me figure out when things should be cleaned because I'm more of the wait-until-it-all-gets-so-dirty-that-I-can't-stand-it-anymore-and-deep-clean-everything-in-one-day type.

    1. I am the same! Why waste my time cleaning a toilet that looks clean? Anyway, I've liked this routine a lot, so far. Makes me feel accomplished and I really do feel like my house is cleaner already. Let me know if you keep up with it and if it works for you.

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