Monday, May 22, 2017

FHE Lesson for Toddlers: Baptism

I have been majorly FAILING at doing a real FHE with Cohen. Partially because, come on, he is only barely 17 months. BUT! I want to get in the habit of doing lessons for him now so when he starts nursery next month and gets a little older, maybe he's a little bit more used to sitting still and learning about Jesus! He has started folding his arms when we pray or tell him it's time for prayer (melts my heart every time), so I'm hoping this is (somewhat) successful. I found a bunch of different resources online for child/baby/toddler FHE lessons, so I'm taking inspiration from those and putting my own spin on them, too. Today's lesson was mostly inspired by the blog News with Naylors who also posts tons of educational lessons and recipes!

Song: When Jesus Christ was Baptized

Opening Prayer.

Scripture: John 3:5 In order to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus again, we all must be born of water which is called being baptized. Jesus sets a perfect example for us because he was baptized, too!

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Video: Point out that Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan by John the Baptist.

Testimony: Share a memory from your baptism and bear your testimony.

Activity: Put 1 cup of water in a clear glass and add a few drops of food coloring. The food coloring represents sin. Then pour 1 1/2 cups of bleach into the water and explain that when we are baptized our sins are washed away!

Closing Prayer.

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